Weight Loss Therapy


There is an increasing number of people who have issues with eating, drinking and weight control in our society.
The BBC Word News reported (2nd January 2008) that:
“People are getting fatter almost everywhere in the world”.  They stated that “obesity is a modern problem – statistics for it did not even exist 50 years ago.  The increase of convenience foods, labour-saving devices, motorised transport and more sedentary jobs means people are getting fatter.
The World Health Organization predicts there will be 2.3 billion overweight adults in the world by 2015 and more than 700 million of them will be obese.
In response to what some describe as the ‘obesity epidemic’, there are now an overwhelming number of diets and ‘magic cures’ advertised in the media and on the internet, but unfortunately many of them simply do not work.  This is because they fail to address the very reasons why you have issues with food and drink….

How we can help you

The majority of people who have issues with their eating and drinking also have a variety of other issues which impact upon themselves, some of these may be listed below:
1.    Poor self- confidence
2.    Low self-esteem
3.    Poor, and/or factually inaccurate self and body image
4.    Lack of, or weak willpower
5.    Guilt
6.    Boredom
7.    High stress levels
8.    Loneliness
9.    Lack of exercise
10.    ‘Portion distortion’ – the name being applied to our lack of awareness of correct portion sizes in our ‘super-size’ culture

Hypnosis & Hypnotherapy

Hypnosis and hypnotherapy are more effective interventions for weight loss, and eating and drinking issues, as they aim to address and minimise unhelpful beliefs and issues.
Hypnosis, combined with suggestion therapy will enable you to move on from unhelpful thought patterns within just one session.  It will provide you with a greater sense of self; it will boost self-confidence, willpower and self-esteem; it will help you build on your self-belief; you will become more consciously aware of what and when you are eating and drinking, thereby enabling you to become more in control; you will have greater motivation for exercise and you will have a strong visual image of yourself as a successful person who is in control if their eating and drinking.
An added bonus is that hypnosis is wonderfully relaxing and reduces stress levels.

Hypnotherapy is about taking control, not giving up control.
One of the many problems that people present to me as a Hypnotherapist – Psychotherapist is that of Weight.
Of course there are many reasons for a person to be overweight.
It can be due to overeating, eating the wrong foods, lack of exercise, your genetic makeup or a mixture of these.
Some people have a predisposition to being overweight and have to work harder than others to lose it.

Hypnotherapy is a long term solution, not a quick fix, nor a panacea for that matter.
Every case is looked at individually and the reason for the weight problem established.
Quite often the overweight person can have a poor self-image and low self esteem (often the dictates of fashion can be a powerful factor in shaping this image) which is addressed also.
Hypnosis itself is not a therapy, it is a relaxed state. When in that relaxed state we are more open to positive suggestions for our benefit. Also when we are relaxed we tend to feel better in ourselves and therefore tend not to need other, destructive, emotional crutches (eg. comfort eating).

Different therapies can be then used in conjunction with Hypnosis, depending on the origin of the problem.
Along with suggestion therapy, cognitive behavioural therapy, psycho-analysis, mindfulness and NLP (neuro linguistic programming) can be used. The ultimate aim is to help the individual to change their relationship with food/exercise to a more positive and healtier one, therefore achieving and maintaining their goal.

“Get up on the bike”
I often use the analogy of teaching someone to ride a bike to explain hypnotherapy.
You can tell the person where to put their hands and feet and what to do.
Then you support them and hold the back of the bike for a while before letting go.
Very quickly the person is amazed that they are doing it on their own.
Of course the person has to put the effort on to ride the bike themselves, you can’t do it for them, only show the way.